Howdy everyone. It’s time for another awesome free wordpress theme. Yup, that’s right! We are on fire again, and we love to release such freebies for you to enjoy!
Meet BBold Lite – A bold and responsive wordpress theme, s o you can display your posts with style. Theme has a fresh look, with vivid colors, and bold condensed fonts, and we are pretty sure you are gonna love it. Oh yeahhh!
And that is not all. There are more features which we’ll list here:
- Add your custom logo
- Unlimited gradient colors for header
- Unlimited colors with a single click
- Add your custom css code
- Add a tracking code to your website (e.g Google Analytics)
- Customize blog title and subtitle
- Add custom phone number before footer
- 5 Custom Widgets are also included
- Add your own footer copyright
- &more to come in the near future – all for free
And if that’s not enough for you, you can always go PRO. There is also a premium version crafted with amazing features that you can check here
Here’s a little preview of BBold Lite version:

Just one more thing. Before you download, help us with a share, follow, or like so you can help other people finding this great resources. Creating this freebies cost us time, and we consider it’s not a big deal to ask for a like or share in return. That way you can help us grow, and we will create more cool stuff, that you can enjoy. After this step, your download link will be revealed.
[button color=green size=large url=”” ]Download BBold Lite[/button] [button color=orange size=large target=”blank” url=”” ]Live Demo[/button] [button color=blue size=large target=”blank” url=”” ]Check BBold Premium[/button]