Having a website is mandatory for almost all types of business. Through the website, you can show to people if there is any new product or service and you can update price of products and post any news about your company and products. A business with a website can boost success easily.
A good domain name is mandatory to make a helpful business website. After choosing the domain name, you will need to choose hosting for your domain, and after that you can make your website either by using website building platforms or by using raw coding.
WordPress is a content management system or in another phrase website building platform. WordPress is highly recommended to make your business website.
Now, why should you choose WordPress? There are many reasons to choose WordPress to make your business website.
Easy to edit contents
WordPress has an easy to operate dashboard. Anybody can use that dashboard to post new contents in their website. You can add images, videos, links and all other media files through the dashboard within a post. If you want to edit any page, you can simply do that by opening the WordPress dashboard and then edit that content.
Business websites need to be updated frequently because a business changes all the time. There will be new product, new service, announcement that people related to the business must know. To post all of these easily, there is no good alternative of WordPress.
WordPress is free
WordPress is free to use. You will not have to buy this CMS to use on your website. After you install WordPress, you can use either free theme provided with WordPress package or you can buy a premium theme. Good news is there are many free themes, which are good enough to use. By searching in WordPress theme and plugin directory, you can easily get themes and plugins to use in your website. You can also search for themes and plugin by using search engines.
There are many other websites selling themes and plugins and many other websites providing free WordPress themes and plugins. WordPress is free to use including a lot of free themes and plugins.
Better than other content management system
There are many content management systems such as Joomla, Drupal, TextPattern but WordPress is more popular than all other content management systems, and you will get many themes and plugin to use in your WordPress website. No other content management system can provide as much theme and plugin as much WordPress can do. WordPress is more secured than other CMS.
The main reason why WordPress is better than all other CMS is the availability of themes and plugins. Developers are making many new themes and plugins daily. You can also make custom themes and plugin with help of web developer.
Best for ecommerce
If your business is depended more on internet than just introducing your product, then you need to be serious about your website. Selling items online is never an easy task. WordPress has made it easier for business owners to sell products online. You can update all products without needing help of a web developer. WordPress has different types of themes for online shops. People mostly use woocommerce plugin to add products and manage products. You can use this plugin and add a good theme.
Sorting all products and making all products look good is important. You may have good quality of products but not a good website. If this is happening then you will not be able to make good sales. Choose WordPress and choose the best plugin and theme to make your business website.
Fast website
WordPress does not have crappy code, which makes a website slow. If you are using good theme and plugins, your website will load fast. This is because the structure of website is defined using the latest ideas. Now people want their website to load fast. They want to show to customers that they can easily surf website without facing any trouble. Crappy JavaScript codes and inappropriate way of using database can make a website slow. Optimized structure, responsiveness and latest script language version make a website fast.
Search engine friendly
It is easy to optimize your website using WordPress. You can add keywords, Meta data, Meta titles and many other SEO stuffs using WordPress dashboard. Search engines do not like bad coding. If your website is coded in ancient way, your website is not ready to fight for a good place in search result page. You need to make your website ready by using the latest scripting language and by following the ideal structure of a website. On-page SEO includes adding keywords and other stuffs within the post. It is easy to do on-page SEO using plugins in a WordPress website.
Easy to add multimedia files
If you are not using any content management system, you will need to make a complex uploading script with user authentication feature or you will need to upload contents on your host directly by opening file manager. WordPress is a big help to upload multimedia files in website. You can directly add videos to your posts from your computer. You can also add posts using your mobile phones where you can include videos and other multimedia files from your mobile phone storage.
Easy to add editors
As an administrator, you can add editors who can only add products to your website. They can also edit the item they submitted but not published items. This feature is helpful for the business owners who need employees to update many products every month.
Easy to manage comments / reviews
A blog receives comments and an ecommerce website receives product reviews. Anyone can easily control comment option by using WordPress CMS. Disable comment option, filter spam emails, block keywords, and more you can do using WordPress.
By default, WordPress will keep all comments in “pending” status and after you approve comments, they will be posted. However, WordPress will not filter spam comments. You will need to use the default plugin for spam filtering named Akismet. This plugin will fight against the spamming.
Change hosting anytime
You can easily change hosting if you can find a better one than the current hosting. Moving WordPress website is easier than it looks. You will need to move all files including all scripts and then you will need to move database to your new hosting. After moving database, simply change configuration in wp-config.php and then the website will work like before.
The reason why you will need to change configuration setting in wp-config.php is new database, database username and host name.
Schedule post
It is one of the great features of WordPress. You can schedule a page to be posted. This feature is helpful when you are going on vacation. You can post items and set a schedule and then you can go on a vacation. WordPress will automatically post the content. As a professional online seller, you should find out the best time when your customers visit your website. Set the time of posting accordingly so that your customer will get the update at same day.
Add portfolios
If you are offering any kind of service on your website, you need to add portfolios. Experts with portfolios get more jobs than other people who do not have portfolio on their website. Adding portfolio is easy in WordPress. You can add plugin for adding portfolio or you can use the default portfolio-managing feature.
Portfolio has multiple sections. You need to add texts, pictures and even videos in portfolios. You can add all kinds of multimedia content, add embedded video, add external URL and you can add pdf files in your portfolio.
Create both blog and ecommerce section
One website will work as two. You can add ecommerce section and blog in your one WordPress site. There will be no additional coding required to make a blog or to make ecommerce section. You can create ecommerce website by using themes and plugin and by default WordPress will show your posts in categorized view, which you can use as blog.
Open source CMS
WordPress is an open source CMS. It means you can edit code and customize this CMS in your own way. This feature makes this CMS more flexible. You can add new functions make WordPress work in your own way. You can install WordPress anywhere you want and in any kind of host. There is no commercial rule on this CMS. When you are using WordPress, you will get full control on your website. It is like building a complete new script where no previous right is applied.
WordPress community
WordPress community comes to rescue to them who face trouble with managing their WordPress website. If you are making a new theme for your website and if you need help, you can post your questions in WordPress community forum and you will get reply from the expert developers. WordPress community has many expert developers and it is growing day by day. Not only about making themes but also about any issue related to WordPress, you can count on WordPress community.